Volunteering with the Club

Current Volunteering Opportunities


Current Volunteering Opportunities 👋🏻📣👏🏻

Join in the fun volunteering at the club’s booth at the annual

2025 MatSu Outdoorsman Show

Friday, April 11th - Sunday, April 13th

Sign-up opportunities coming soon!

A YUGE THANK YOU to all of the volunteers who helped the candidates in their election races!!

Alaska State Fair

During the Alaska State Fair, club members enjoy volunteering at the MSRWC Fair Trailer Booth. This is a great opportunity for the club to represent the Republicans of the MatSu Valley!

A bit of trivia: The MSRWC booth is the oldest booth at the Fair!! Sixty-three years, and still going strong!!

State and Local Elections

During election time, the club gets to work to elect our candidates! There are many ways the club helps out; making phone calls, stuffing & addressing envelopes, knocking on doors, waving signs, and much more!

MatSu Outdoorsman Show

Every Spring, the Club joins the fun at the MatSu Outdoorsman Show! This is another great event where people can find out about the Club, and how it is possible to help in the political processes in the MatSu Valley, and the State of Alaska!

If you are interested in being a volunteer, click the button to send us an email!

This is a wonderful way to serve the Mat-Su Valley and Alaska, while forming amazing friendships with like-minded women (and men)!